Gluten-Free Coffee Cakes: Pairing Suggestions for the Ultimate Taste Experience

So you’ve discovered the joy of gluten-free coffee cakes. It’s sweet, spicy, and everything you want in a snack or dessert. But why stop there? Why not elevate this already tasty treat into a full-on flavor extravaganza? Because let’s face it, the coffee cake experience isn’t just about the cake. It’s about what you pair it with. 

Here are some pairing suggestions that can elevate your coffee cake experience to a whole new level.

  1. Coffee

Coffee and gluten-free coffee cakes go together like coffee and cake! With its bold flavor, a dark roast can slice right through the sweet profile of your cake, providing a palate-pleasing experience. 

However, if dark roasts aren’t your jam, medium roasts with notes of fruits and nuts are delightful companions to your cake’s sweet, crumbly goodness. And if you’re someone who loves a dash of creaminess, nothing beats a well-made latte or cappuccino.

  1. Tea

For the tea aficionados out there, a strong black tea or a spicy chai can contrast beautifully with the sweet-spicy notes of a classic cinnamon coffee cake. If your coffee cake is on the lighter side, perhaps a green tea with its subtle grassy notes or an herbal tea like chamomile or peppermint with its calming properties could be what you prefer!

  1. Juice

Ever thought about pairing your coffee cake with fruit juice? Freshly squeezed orange juice or apple cider not only bring out the inherent fruitiness in coffee cake, especially if it includes fruit components like raspberry but also adds a bright, refreshing touch that makes every bite of your cake a carnival of flavors.

  1. Milk

Almond milk, oat milk, traditional cow’s milk—these aren’t just for your cereal. These creamy beverages can be a wonderful pairing to your coffee cake. And if your cake includes chocolate in its crumbly layers, why not double down on the sweetness with a glass of chocolate milk? 

  1. Fruits

Fresh fruits aren’t just for your morning smoothie; they make a delightful coffee cake pairing too. Fresh berries, sliced bananas, or stewed apples can provide a tangy contrast to the cake’s sweetness. Imagine a raspberry coffee cake with a bowl of fresh berries or a cinnamon coffee cake with a plate of warm stewed apples. It’s a match made in foodie heaven!

  1. Ice Cream

Here’s where we go from snack to decadent dessert. A slice of coffee cake paired with a scoop of ice cream, and you’ve just elevated your coffee break to a gourmet dessert experience. The classic choice, of course, is vanilla. But who said you can’t experiment? How about a scoop of cinnamon, caramel, or even coffee ice cream? 

  1. Jam

There’s something about the sweet-tart burst of flavor that a good jam or jelly can bring to the coffee cake table. And the possibilities are endless! A dollop of raspberry or strawberry jam can add a delightful fruitiness that enhances the sweet crumb of your cake. 

If you’re feeling adventurous, an orange marmalade or even a tart blackcurrant jam could be just the ticket to cutting through the sweetness and adding a new dimension of flavor. Spread your chosen jam on a warm slice and enjoy the mix of tastes. 


Remember, pairing is all about balance. Choose a beverage or side that will complement the flavors of your gluten-free coffee cake without overpowering it. Whether you like your coffee cake for breakfast, dessert, or a snack, there’s a perfect pairing out there for you to make your coffee cake experience truly unforgettable.

Now, speaking of unforgettable experiences, you’ve got to try Steiner’s gluten-free coffee cakes. They’re not just gluten-free; they’re nut-free too! So, whether you’re on a gluten-free diet, have a nut allergy, or just love a delicious coffee cake, Steiner’s has got you covered. Shop with us today, and get ready to taste the difference.